Today we are going to interview Gemma who is a member of the A.P.Y.M.A. (that means: Asociacion de Padres y Madres de Alumnos).
-Hello Gemma, can we ask you some cuestions?
- Yes, of course.
-Okey, what events are the A.P.Y.M.A. preparing these days?
- Well, we prepared the Christmas carols festival that took place on December the 19th. We are also preparing the chocolate party that will take place on Thursday December the 22nd.
-The chocolate party is for all the grades?
- Yes, including the child’s school.
-Is there any other event are you preparing?
- Yes, the same day the page-boys or helpers of The Three Wise Kings will visit the youngest classes and will give candies to the kids.
-Are all those things prepared by the A.P.Y.M.A.?
- Yes, we organizate most of the events of the school.
-Wow, that’s amazing, but it is very sad that very few people know about the A.P.Y.M.A.
- Yes, that’s true and we also preparate many other campaings and events.
-Thank you for your time.
- You are welcome.
With this intervew we want you to realize the great job that the A.P.Y.M.A. does.
