- Made by: Silvia Ridruejo, Leire Millan, Ana Abadía and Sofía Cosciug
The children of 4 of primary went to the capgikes of Emmaus some weeks ago and we ask them some questions about their experience and what did they do there. They told us that during the day, they learned lots of things, for example: how to repair clothings and how to recicle them. Also, the people who work there, gave all of them a very inetresting book related with the activitie and with the aim of learn even more than they know before.
The most important part of the day was learning how to recicle.
Marcos: «It was a very incredible and fascinating day. We want to repeat the experience and I’m eager of going home and read the book that they gave us. The part of the day that I enjoy the most is when we enter in the fabric and the workers show us what they do daily.»