A Christmas Carol is a book that tells the story of Scrooge, a miserly and stingy man who hates Christmas and everything related to it; the story goes back to Christmas dates, mainly Christmas Eve. Scrooge has a worker (underpaid) who gets rid of work at Christmas out of obligation and not because Scrooge wants to since Scrooge lives working.
That night, Scrooge is visited by a ghost, this is his old partner, who has been dead for a few years, who visits him to tell him that that same night, in the next three hours, Scrooge will be visited by three other ghosts who will show him Christmas. past, present and future with time travel to teach you a lesson about your attitude.

Also say that there is a famous movie from the book that many people have seen.

Questions to Leyre:
-Why have you chosen this book?
-Because it is a Christmas story and taking advantage of these dates we can talk about it
-Did you like the book?
-I liked it a lot and the story is very good

By: Leyre Vizcay, Daniel del Castillo y Alba Aguaras


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